Boom Cards
3) If you have read any of my blogs or heard me speak in person, you already know I am obsessed with Boom Cards. I use them in class on a regular basis to let students practice. These are digital task cards which students complete. During distance learning, I had students upload their score to a google form as part of the assignment. I continue to do this for accountability.
Yes, Boom learning has the option to keep student records. But that takes an extra 5 minutes to set up each time and I am just too lazy to use that option. So I use the fast pin and in the classroom students can show me their score or get help on a specific problem.
There is instant feedback for students and teachers can hear the correct answers (ding) and the wrong answers (sounds like whoops). I sometimes use the ‘fast pin’ option to get students playing fast, but if you have students create an account, you can assign the decks to them and keep track of their progress. This comes in handy during parent conferences. https://wow.boomlearning.com/
Quizizz or Kahoot
4) Kids like Quizizz but they love Kahoot. I have mixed feelings on this. This could be a great review, but kids get points for answering fast so the strategy usually is to answer fast and hope that you get something right. But playing whole class without the timer is better. And if the teacher plays along and challenges students to beat the score it is great. Nothing like competition to get the class engaged. I prefer Quizizz because you can easily add questions quickly. www.getkahoot.comwww.quizizz.com Nearpod or Pear deck
5) These are both very similar. They are a slide type presentation for instruction that includes the ability to add interactive components within the slides. Have the students answer questions as they progress through the presentation. You can create your own instruction or use one already created. www.nearpod.com www.peardeck.com
[…] I have written earlier blogs about similar activities and you can find more here: Earlier blog post about some online tools here: https://bluemountainmath.com/11-online-tools-for-secondary-students/ […]